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Reinicio del ordenador Registrate_22_zps9e54cac0
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Reinicio del ordenador Registrate_22_zps9e54cac0

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 Reinicio del ordenador

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Zerg Rush
6 participantes

Mensajes : 2

Reinicio del ordenador Empty
MensajeTema: Reinicio del ordenador   Reinicio del ordenador EmptyJue Nov 17, 2022 11:29 am

¿Alguien me podría explicar cómo puedo reiniciar mi ordenador?
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Zerg Rush
Zerg Rush

Mensajes : 8946
Edad : 70
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Reinicio del ordenador Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Reinicio del ordenador   Reinicio del ordenador EmptyJue Nov 17, 2022 2:24 pm

En Windows ir a Inicio>Inicio/Apagado y del menu selecciona Reiniciar

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A alejandra3 le gusta esta publicaciòn

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Mensajes : 2

Reinicio del ordenador Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Reinicio del ordenador   Reinicio del ordenador EmptyVie Nov 18, 2022 10:11 am

presiona Inicio luego en el icono de Power en la sección inferior derecha de la pantalla para encontrar la opción de Reinicio.
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A alejandra3 le gusta esta publicaciòn

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Mensajes : 3

Reinicio del ordenador Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Reinicio del ordenador   Reinicio del ordenador EmptyVie Nov 18, 2022 10:14 am

buen dato master[Tienes que estar registrado y conectado para ver esa imagen]
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Mensajes : 7

Reinicio del ordenador Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Reinicio del ordenador   Reinicio del ordenador EmptyVie Nov 18, 2022 10:18 am

I'm reading an article "An O(n2) time algorithm for deciding whether a regular language is a code" by Robert McCloskey. Everything is very simple and clear, it seems to me, that there is much more straightforward approach for this purpose, which provide more general result. It's so simple, that it seems like I'm wrong somewhere:
Suppose we have a set of regular expression. Construct an NFA in the following way:
For each expression build an NFA, such that for each acceptable string there is only one path from the initial state to any of terminal states in it. Then build one cyclic NFA as a disjunction of those, i. e. from new initial state add eps-moves to all initial states of previously constructed NFAs and from all terminal states of previously constructed NFAs add an eps-move to initial state. Make initial state of this complex NFA to the only terminal state of it.
As far as I understand, this NFA corresponds to the language, consisting of the words, that can be split into the strings accepted by some of the regular expressions, i. e. exactly the language, described in the article. Moreover, disambiguation problem can be reformulated in terms of this NFA in a very simple manner: we want to know, if there exist two different paths from initial state to terminal (i. e. to itself), spelling out the same word. And the latter problem can be easily solved using the same kind of a direct product of an NFA, described in the paper (we should check if there are paths from (init, init) to itself in the graph from p. 7, that go through at least one non-diagonal node).
Yes, algorithm from the article is also not too hard, but this one is even simpler. Therefore, it seems to me, that I have missed something important. I'd be very grateful for any idea of what can go wrong here

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Mensajes : 4

Reinicio del ordenador Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Reinicio del ordenador   Reinicio del ordenador EmptyDom Nov 20, 2022 6:19 pm

Holaa Alejandra, es sencillo, en tu pantalla de inicio presiona el icono de Windows que aparece en la esquina inferior izquierda, una vez ahí pulsa el icono de Power y te saldrán varias opciones y tendrás que pulsarle a Reiniciar. Espero haberte ayudado.
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Reinicio del ordenador Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Reinicio del ordenador   Reinicio del ordenador Empty

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Reinicio del ordenador
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